CHASE 2013
6th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering
(CHASE 2013)
ICSE 2013 Workshop
San Francisco, United States
May 25th, 2013
CHASE Program - Updated on April 20th 2013
08:30-09:00 Opening and "slide madness" - CHASE Organizers
09:00-10:30 Keynote
James Noble (Victoria University of Wellington, NZ)
Grounded Theory in Agile Software Development
10:30-11:00 Break
11:00-12:30 Paper presentation
Igor Steinmacher, Igor Wiese, Ana Paula Chaves and Marco Gerosa. Why do Newcomers Abandon Open Source Software Projects?
Jason Tsay, Laura Dabbish and James Herbsleb. Social Media in Transparent Work Environments
A. César C. França, Ana C. M. L. de Araujo and Fabio Q. B. Da Silva. Motivation of Software Engineers: A Qualitative Case Study of a Research and Development Organisation
Damian Andrew Tamburri, Philippe Kruchten, Patricia Lago and Hans Van Vliet. What is Social Debt in Software Engineering?
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-16:00 Poster session
All papers will be presented during the day as posters, and there will be a specific activity during this session.
16:00-16:30 Break
16:30-18:00 Paper presentation
Lutz Prechelt. Agile Offsharing: Using Pair Work to Overcome Nearshoring Difficulties
Bora Caglayan, Ayse Bener and Andriy Miranskyy. Emergence of Developer Teams In The Collaboration Network
Marcelo Serrano Zanetti, Ingo Scholtes, Claudio Juan Tessone and Frank Schweitzer. The Rise and Fall of a Central Contributor: Dynamics of Social Organization and Performance in the GENTOO Community
Katja Kevic, Sebastian C. Müller, Thomas Fritz and Harald C. Gall. Collaborative Bug Triaging Using Textual Similarities and Change Set Analysis
18:00-18:30 Closing and discussion on the future of CHASE
List of Accepted Papers
Full papers
Marcelo Serrano Zanetti, Ingo Scholtes, Claudio Juan Tessone and Frank Schweitzer. The Rise and Fall of a Central Contributor: Dynamics of Social Organization and Performance in the GENTOO Community
Sherlock Licorish and Stephen MacDonell. Differences in Jazz project leaders’ competencies and behaviors: a preliminary empirical investigation
Bora Caglayan, Ayse Bener and Andriy Miranskyy. Emergence of Developer Teams In The Collaboration Network
Ilenia Fronza, Andrea Janes, Alberto Sillitti, Giancarlo Succi and Stefano Trebeschi. Cooperation wordle using pre-attentive processing techniques. Tested for color blind observers
Katja Kevic, Sebastian C. Müller, Thomas Fritz and Harald C. Gall. Collaborative Bug Triaging Using Textual Similarities and Change Set Analysis
Igor Steinmacher, Igor Wiese, Ana Paula Chaves and Marco Gerosa. Why do Newcomers Abandon Open Source Software Projects?
A. César C. França, Ana C. M. L. de Araujo and Fabio Q. B. Da Silva. Motivation of Software Engineers: A Qualitative Case Study of a Research and Development Organisation
Jason Tsay, Laura Dabbish and James Herbsleb. Social Media in Transparent Work Environments
Jae Young Bang, Ivo Krka, Nenad Medvidovic, Naveen Kulkarni and Srinivas Padmanabhuni. How Software Architects Collaborate: Insights from Collaborative Software Design in Practice
Short papers
Gerardo Matturro. Soft skills in software engineering. A study of its demand by software companies in Uruguay
Christoph Dorn and Alexander Egyed. Towards Collaboration-centric Pattern-based Software Development Support
Braden Simpson, Eirini Kalliamvakou, Nathan Lambert and Daniela Damian. Aduno: Real-Time Collaborative Work Design In A Shared Workspace
Damian Andrew Tamburri, Philippe Kruchten, Patricia Lago and Hans Van Vliet. What is Social Debt in Software Engineering?
Davi Santos, Jacilane Rabelo, Andréia Vieira, Ellen Barroso, Mário Dib and Tayana Conte. A Qualitative Study about the Life Cycle of Lessons Learned
Nilay Oza, Fabian Fagerholm and Juergen Muench. How Does Kanban Impacts Communication and Collaboration in Software Engineering Teams?
Sabrina Marczak and Vanessa Gomes. On the Development of a Theoretical Model of the Impact of Trust in the Performance of Distributed Software Projects
Ulrike Abelein and Barbara Paech. A Descriptive Classification for End User -Relevant Decisions of Large-Scale IT Projects
Brandt Braunschweig and Carolyn Seaman. An Examination of Shared Understanding in Free/Libre Open Source Project Maintenance
Amani Alali and Jonathan Sillito. Motivations for Collaboration in Software Design Decision Making
Jonathan Sillito and Andrew Begel. App-Directed Learning: An Exploratory Study
Lee Martie and Andre van der Hoek. Toward Social-Technical Code Search
Yi Wang and David Redmiles. Understanding Cheap Talk and the Emergence of Trust in Global Software Engineering: An Evolutionary Game Theory Perspective
Eisha Hasnain, Tracy Hall and Martin Shepperd. Using Experimental Games to Understand Communication and Trust in Agile Software Teams
Olga Liskin, Kurt Schneider, Stephan Kiesling and Simone Kauffeld. Meeting Intensity as an Indicator for Project Pressure
Thomas Latoza, Evelina Shabani and André van der Hoek. A Study of Architectural Decision Practices
Thomas Latoza, W. Ben Towne, André van der Hoek and James Herbsleb. Crowd Development
Irit Hadar, Sofia Sherman, Ethan Hadar and John Harrison. Less is More: Architecture Documentation for Agile Development
Edward Smith, Robert Loftin, Emerson Murphy-Hill, Christian Bird and Thomas Zimmermann. Improving Developer Participation Rates in Surveys
Alberto Sampaio, Edwin Gray and Isabel B. Sampaio. The Need of a Person Oriented Approach to Software Process Assessment
Mansooreh Zahedi and Muhammad Ali Babar. Role of Social Structures for Cross-Organizational Collaboration in Global Software Development
Note papers
Lutz Prechelt. Agile Offsharing: Using Pair Work to Overcome Nearshoring Difficulties
Brendan Cleary, Margaret-Anne Storey, Carlos Gomez, Leif Singer and Christoph Treude. Analyzing the Friendliness of Exchanges in an Online Software Developer Community
Workshop Overview
Software is created by people for people working in a range of environments and under various conditions. Understanding the cooperative and human aspects of software development is crucial in order to comprehend how methods and tools are used, and thereby improve the creation and maintenance of software. Both researchers and practitioners have recognized the need to investigate these aspects, but the results of such investigations are dispersed in different conferences and communities.
The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum for discussing high quality research on human and cooperative aspects of software engineering. We aim to provide both a meeting place for the community and the possibility for researchers interested in joining the field to present and discuss their work in progress and to get an overview over the field.
Workshop Organizers
Rafael Prikladnicki, PUCRS, Brazil, rafaelp at
Rashina Hoda, University of Auckland, New Zealand, r.hoda at
Helen Sharp, The Open University, UK, at
Yvonne Dittrich, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark, ydi at
Cleidson R. B. de Souza, Vale Technological Institute, Brazil, cleidson.desouza at
Marcelo Cataldo, Bosch Corporate Research, USA, marcelo.cataldo at
Workshop Theme and Goals
Software engineering is about choices and decisions informed by the multiple and different viewpoints and human aspects from the stakeholders. Methods, tools and techniques have been shaped over many years by best practices. However, in the age of globalization, Software Engineering faces new challenges which should be illuminated from different perspectives.
The main goal of this workshop is to present current research and to explore new research directions that will lead to improvements in the creation and maintenance of software, from the perspective of both processes and tools.
A secondary goal is to continue building and strengthening the community among the researchers working on cooperative and human aspects of software engineering, including those who typically attend ICSE and those who hail from other disciplines.
Therefore, topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Social and cultural aspects of software engineering
- Psychological and cognitive aspects of software engineering
- Managerial and organizational aspects of software engineering
- Cooperation in agile development
- Community based development processes like Open Source development
- Software engineering as cooperative work
- Coordination and mutual awareness in large-scale software development
- Cooperation between software developers and other professionals over the lifetime of a system
- Knowledge management in software engineering
- Distributed software development
- User participation in regard to ownership, training, level of involvement interplay with developers, sustainability and deployment aspects
Examples of possible types of contributions include:
- Empirical studies of software engineering teams or individual software engineers in situ, using approaches such as ethnographies, surveys, interviews, contextual inquiries, data mining, etc;
- Laboratory studies of individual and team software engineering behavior;
- Novel tools motivated by observed needs such as new ways of capturing and accessing software-related knowledge, navigational systems, communication, collaboration, and awareness tools, visualizations, etc;
- Novel processes motivated by observed needs, and;
- Meta-research topics such as how to effectively validate interventions and research methods.
Participation Solicitation and Selection Process
We will have three paper categories: 8-page full papers, 4-page short papers, and 2-page notes. These different categories offer researchers who are at different stages in their research maturity the opportunity to benefit from workshop participation.
All paper and poster submissions will be reviewed by 2 programme committee members. The authors of accepted submissions will be asked to join the workshop. We will encourage all participants to submit at least a 2-page note, but the workshop will be open; all attendees will be asked to present an aspect of their work. If appropriate, we will expand the number of participants in the workshop in response to a large number of quality submissions.
Submissions should be made in the following website:
- Papers should follow ICSE formatting guidelines for technical research:
Important Dates
Workshop paper submissions due Feb 14th, 2013
Notification of workshop paper authors Feb 28th, 2013
Camera Ready deadline March 07th, 2013
Workshop May 25th, 2013
Program Committee
Ulrike Abelein, University of Heidelberg, Germany
Ban Al-Ani, UC Irvine, USA
Gabriela Avram, Interaction Design Centre, University of Limerick, Irland
Andrew Begel, Microsoft Research, USA
Fabio Cafelato, University of Bari, Italy
Marcelo Cataldo, Bosch Corporate Research, USA
Tayana Conte, UFAM, Brazil
Daniela Damian, University of Victoria, Canada
Torgeir Dingsoyr, SINTEF, Norway
Yvonne Dittrich, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Tracy Hall, Brunel University, UK
Orit Hazzan, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Rashina Hoda, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Filippo Lanubile, University of Bari, Italy
Thomas Latoza, UC Irvine, USA
Tamara Lopez, The Open University, UK
Sabrina Marczak, PUCRS, Brazil
Rafael Prikladnicki, PUCRS, Brazil
Fabio Q. B. da Silva, UFPE, Brazil
David Redmiles, UC Irvine, USA
Rien Sach, The Open University, UK
Norsaremah Salleh, IIUM, Malaysia
Anita Sarma, University of Nebraska, USA
Helen Sharp, The Open University, UK
Jonathan Sillito , University of Calgary, Canada
Bjørnar Tessem, University of Bergen, Norway
Erik Trainer, UC Irvine, USA
Christoph Treude, McGill University, Canada
Giuseppe Valetto, Drexel University, USA
Cleidson R. B. de Souza, Vale Technological Institute, Brazil