CHASE 2012

 5th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering 

(CHASE 2012) 

ICSE 2012 Workshop

Zurich, Switzerland

June 2nd, 2012


9.00 to 9.30 Welcome and ‘madness’ presentations

9.30 to 10.00 Introduction activity

‘REIM - An Improvisation Workshop Format to Train Soft Skill Awareness’ Anne Hoffmann

10.00 to 10.35 Paper session 1

Agile vs. Plan-Driven Perceptions of Software Architecture’ Irit Hadar and Sofia Sherman (full paper)

‘Team Effectiveness in Software Development: Human and Cooperative Aspects in Team Effectiveness Models and Priorities for Future Studies’ Torgeir Dingsoyr and Tore Dybå (short paper)

10.35 to 11 break

11.00 to 11.30 Paper session 2

‘Why developers don’t pair more often’ Laura Plonka and Janet Van Der Linden (short paper)

‘How Does Research About Software Developers Generalize?’ Emerson Murphy-Hill and Laurie Williams (short paper)

11.30 to 12.30 first poster round table discussion

12.30 to 14.00 lunch

14.00 to 15.00 second poster round table discussion

15.00 to 15.30 cocktail party poster discussions

15.30 to 16.00 break

16.00 to 17.15 Paper session 3

‘A redefinition of roles and collaboration under model-driven development’ Jorge Aranda and Daniela Damian (short paper)

‘An Exploratory Study of Backtracking Strategies Used by Developers’ Youngseok Yoon and Brad A. Myers (full paper)

‘An Approach for Collaborative Code Reviews Using Multi-Touch Technology’ Sebastian Müller, Michael Würsch, Thomas Fritz and Harald C. Gall (full paper)

‘ProxiScientia: Toward Real-Time Visualization of Task and Developer Dependencies in Collaborating Software Development Teams’ Arber Borici, Adrian Schroeter, Daniela Damian, Kelly Blincoe and Giuseppe Valetto (full paper)

17.15 to 17.30 Wrap-up

Note that all the following papers will be presented and discussed during the workshop

Full papers

Arber Borici, Adrian Schroeter, Daniela Damian, Kelly Blincoe and Giuseppe Valetto. ProxiScientia: Toward Real-Time Visualization of Task and Developer Dependencies in Collaborating Software Development Teams

Broderick Crawford, Claudio Leon de La Barra, Ricardo Soto and Eric Monfroy. Agile Software Engineering As Creative Work

Kevin Dullemond, Ben Van Gameren and Rini Van Solingen. Supporting Distributed Software Engineering in a Fully Distributed Organization

Mayara Figueiredo and Cleidson De Souza. Wolf: Supporting Impact Analysis Activities in  Distributed Software Development

Irit Hadar and Sofia Sherman. Agile vs. Plan-Driven Perceptions of Software Architecture

Anne Hoffmann. REIM - An Improvisation Workshop Format to Train Soft Skill Awareness

Ruth Klendauer, Axel Hoffmann, Jan Marco Leimeister, Marina Berkovich and Helmut Krcmar. Using the IDEAL Software Process Improvement Model for the Implementation of Automotive SPICE

Michael Lee and Andrew Ko. Representations of User Feedback in an Agile, Collocated Software Team

Sherlock Licorish and Stephen MacDonell. What Affects Team Climate? Preliminary Linguistic Analysis of Communications in the IBM Jazz Repository

Sebastian Müller, Michael Würsch, Pascal Schöni, Giacomo Ghezzi, Emanuel Giger and Harald C. Gall. Tangible Software Modeling with Multi-Touch Technology

Sebastian Müller, Michael Würsch, Thomas Fritz and Harald C. Gall. An Approach for Collaborative Code Reviews Using Multi-Touch Technology

Aleksandra Pawlik, Judith Segal and Marian Petre. Documentation practices in scientific software development

Youngseok Yoon and Brad A. Myers. An Exploratory Study of Backtracking Strategies Used by Developers

Short papers

Ulrike Abelein and Barbara Paech. A Proposal for Enhancing User-Developer Communication in Large IT Projects

Jorge Aranda and Daniela Damian. A redefinition of roles and collaboration under model-driven development

Fabio Calefato and Filippo Lanubile. Augmenting Social Awareness in a Collaborative Development Environment

Sridhar Chimalakonda and Kesav V. Nori. What Makes It Hard To Design Instructional Software? - Towards a Collaborative and Co-operative Platform for Stakeholders during Design and Development of Instructional Software

Torgeir Dingsoyr and Tore Dybå. Team Effectiveness in Software Development: Human and Cooperative Aspects in Team Effectiveness Models and Priorities for Future Studies

Anh Nguyen Duc, Daniela S. Cruzes and Reidar Conradi. Competition on inter-organizational collaboration from an organizational-social-technical perspective

Andrew Faulring, Brad Myers, Yaad Oren and Keren Rotenberg. A Case Study of Using HCI Methods to Improve Tools for Programmers

Stefan Gärtner and Kurt Schneider. A Method for Prioritizing End-User Feedback for Requirements Engineering

Tanjila Kanij, Robert Merkel and John Grundy. Assessing the Performance of Software Testers

Benjamin Koehne and David Redmiles. Envisioning Distributed Usability Evaluation through a Virtual World Platform

Tamara Lopez, Marian Petre and Bashar Nuseibeh. Getting at Ephemeral Flaws

Emerson Murphy-Hill and Laurie Williams. How Does Research About Software Developers Generalize?

Marian Petre, Helen Sharp and Sallyann Freudenberg. The mystery of the writing that isn't on the wall:  differences in public representations in traditional and agile software development

Laura Plonka and Janet Van Der Linden. Why developers don’t pair more often

Christian Prause and Markus Eisenhauer. First Results from an Investigation into the Validity of Developer Reputation Derived from Wiki Articles and Source Code

Rien Sach and Marian Petre. Feedback: How does it impact software engineers?

Sofia Sherman and Irit Hadar. Identifying the Need for a Sustainable Architecture Maintenance Process

Yi Wang, Erik Trainer, Ban Al-Ani, Sabrina Marczak, Rafael Prikladnicki and David Redmiles. Attitude and Usage of Collaboration Tools in GSE: A Practitioner Oriented Theory

Workshop Overview

Software is created by people for people working in a range of environments and under various conditions. Understanding the cooperative and human aspects of software development is crucial in order to comprehend how methods and tools are used, and thereby improve the creation and maintenance of software. Both researchers and practitioners have recognized the need to investigate these aspects, but the results of such investigations are dispersed in different conferences and communities.

The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum for discussing high quality research on human and cooperative aspects of software engineering. We aim to provide both a meeting place for the community and the possibility for researchers interested in joining the field to present and discuss their work in progress and to get an overview over the field.


Workshop Organizers 

Helen Sharp, The Open University,

Yvonne Dittrich, IT University of Copenhagen,

Cleidson R. B. de Souza, Universidade Federal do Para & Vale Technological Institute,

Marcelo Cataldo, Bosch Corporate Research,

Rashina Hoda, University of Auckland,

Workshop Theme and Goals 

The ICSE 2012 theme is sustainable software for a sustainable world. One approach to sustainability in software is automation, but our current knowledge suggests that the level of automation possible is limited. Any aspiration towards sustainability in software engineering will need to take account of the people in the process, their behaviour and the impact of that behaviour. Empirical research that addresses this aspect of software development is of crucial importance to the software engineering community. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

Examples of possible types of contributions include:

Participation Solicitation and Selection Process 

We will have three paper categories: 7-page full papers, 3-page short papers, and 1-page notes. These different categories offer researchers who are at different stages in their research maturity the opportunity to benefit from workshop participation.

All paper and poster submissions will be reviewed by 2 programme committee members. The authors of accepted submissions will be asked to join the workshop. We will encourage all participants to submit at least a 1-page note, but the workshop will be open; all attendees will be asked to present an aspect of their work. If appropriate, we will expand the number of participants in the workshop in response to a large number of quality submissions. 

Submissions should be made in the following website:

Important Dates 

Workshop paper submissions due                    2012-02-20 @ 11:59pm 

Notification of workshop paper authors           2012-03-19

Camera Ready deadline                                    2012-03-29

Workshop                                                         2012-06-02

Program Committee